Emotional Resolution Sessions

Life Evolution thru
Soul Resolution© 

BioEnergetic Healing Sessions

Take back your Health! Get back to your true nature!

  • alleviate stress, anxiety and depression
  • Release physical and emotional toxicity
  • Neutralize past traumas
  • Dissolve psychological blocks
  • Retrieve fragments of spirit
  • Lift the soul


Nancy's healing method is based on the understanding that emotions, traumas, attitudes and beliefs are underlying most every condition, dis-ease and disorder. By addressing issues from where they began, we can deactivate and neutralize stressors and blocks and re-wire the brain.

The deep and comprehensive attention Nancy offers allows her to work with only a small number of people at a time, and mainly those who have been personally referred or invited via interview.

Enjoy your BioEnergetic Healing session from the comfort of your own home, as this work is

accomplished remotely through profound and interactive distance healing sessions.

How Do We Work Together?

 First, I gently guide you in bringing you into a lower brainwave state, into the subconscious mind, through a meditation. In this state of mind, the deepest and oldest thoughts manifest and are brought into your consciousness mind, allowing you to finally understand things of great significance, that often you were never consciously aware of.

The most important aspect, which is unique to this process, is introducing you to your ‘very specific to you’, subconscious emotions, that are blocking you, which are assessed from an expansive list, using kinesiology (aka muscle testing).Your job is to ‘own’ this group of emotions that resonate an unresolved pattern or barrier of that which is holding you back. This pattern is then followed into definitive points along the timeline of your past. Going back, as the observer, reveals connections to - and collapses from - specific people, places, things, times and events, where you have left fragments of your spirit behind. You just relax and experience as I guide you along.

Your emotions are the bridge to your spirit, so from there you re-view and re-experience your current life’s past, and/or your far past, your spirit attachments, your mind/soul fragments, your missed understandings, your declarations/vows that you’ve set, and you will often uncover ulterior motives. From this state of mind, analogical mind, there is profound love, understanding, compassion and forgiveness. 

With the simple act of witnessing yourself from a higher consciousness, an enlightened perspective, and bringing to light what's been hidden in the subconscious mind and in cell memory - transformation, resolution, and recovery takes place. 

What Will You Experience in your session?

Throughout your Soul Evolution Process (original to Infinite Inergy LLC) Nancy guides you on a captivating journey into the depths of your subconscious mind, where you experience your past in a new light. No matter how many sessions you have, no two are alike - each session is authentically awe inspiring, fun & exciting, deeply moving and life transforming - and truly unique to you.

In each session we literally deactivate and neutralize stressors and blocks and re- wire the brain. Spontaneous recovery occurs when we go inward, and address issues at the causal level.

Each Emotional Resolution Session clears and balances your highest priority factors contributing to your health challenges, and includes your subtle energies, physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual aspects. Once the priorities are determined, together we address each specific disturbance and blockage that is found. 
By re-viewing specific points in time of trauma or where emotions/attitudes got set up along your timeline and sometimes into ancestral and past lifetimes, you recognize the barriers that are holding you back, and 
YOU become your own healer, your own redeemer in 
this process.

When re-viewed from the higher consciousness of the observer within you, those barriers are revealed very differently from how it was when they were originally established. 

Through this awareness and clearing process you can not help but change as you bring yourself to a place of deep and profound awareness and recovery.

You have the opportunity for a new beginning right now, Today!

Schedule your Bio-Energetic Healing Session with Nancy

 This work is accomplished remotely 

 All sessions are over the phone, since this allows you comfort in your own home and the ability to let go, to go inward,
 to hold your focus with no distractions. When self awareness disappears, omniscient awareness is heightened. 

Sessions on average run from 1 - 2 hours, yet seem like only a moment since the sense of time disappears while in this introspectively peaceful, exciting, and transformational place that is all about you.. One hour is charged upon booking and while in session you have the choice to continue further and the extra 30 to 60 minutes will be invoiced to you. 

 Your Assessment
Prior to our phone meeting, I take time to go into meditation and into focus, tuning in to your energy. With kinesiology (energy testing) & intuition I access your energy field to define where your body needs balancing. This allows me to identify what's going on in your unique energy systems physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. 

From here I receive a great deal of information and with kinesiology I use charts, maps and references and work with you on what your body requires in order to support optimal balance. 
Your Session
With your energy imbalances identified, and having determined what is needed  to bring restoration, we work over the phone together. I'll have your assessment map' laid out and ready to assist you, where I'll guide you through your introspective journey. Many contributing factors may come up in a session. 

Working in priority, we'll address the specific causal disturbances found, move into remediation, and allow your spirit to bring profound awareness and transformation to all levels of your consciousness.
Your Only Job
For the session, find a time when you can be alone, free of distractions from people, calls, and obligations. It's important that you are able to let the world fade away so you can intently focus inward. Place yourself in comfortable setting, or in bed or in comfy chair and have water handy. You'll want your hands free to hold meridian points and such if needed, so headphones or speaker works best. 

Your only job is to relax and enjoy the journey, allowing your spirit to guide us throughout and all along the way.  
What to expect
The experience in each session is as unique and individual as you are, and no two sessions are alike, yet they are always transformational. 

Plan on setting aside a minimum of 2 hours initially for this work, without setting tight limitations. Most sessions are 1 hour, though at times can run  up to 2 hours, giving yourself space afterward to just be, and allow integration, rest or sleep. 

This work is a very peaceful and enjoyable process, where you get a lot of deep inner work done.


  • ““ “I feel that I am forever changed. I am profoundly grateful for my extraordinary changes!””

    Sara C - Los Angeles, Ca

  • “ “I have been healthy!!! I am so grateful for my health right now!””

    Christine K- Irvine Ca

  • It would take a psychologist years to accomplish what Nancy can in one session, and instead of chasing symptoms, she addresses the causes of my health issues.

    Marybeth K. -Colorado

See more of what others have to say

Your body is communicating what's wrong -

in this work we can 'read' what it's telling us, and how to fix it.

The human body is made of a powerful system of infinite energy (aka: chi, qi, prana, vital force energy, subtle energy, quantum energy, source energy, the light of God). Blockages in the energy within our bodies lowers our vibration, and causes pain, discomfort and dis-ease. These blockages are caused by traumas, toxins, trapped emotions, spiritual interferences, mental imbalances, allergies, organ-gland-systems disorders, heavy metals, EMF radiation, musculoskeletal misalignments, pathogens, nutrition & lifestyle imbalances.

The body is genius and intrinsically strives for balance, and vitality. The body/spirit/subconscious mind always knows what to do and what it needs. Pain and disorders are our alarm signals. The body is incredibly adaptive and generative, and is constantly communicating to us where it needs attention. We can communicate with the body through kinesiology.

But how do we communicate with this innate intelligence? 

This is the value of kinesiology testing, as a highly effective method of "reading" the body and finding answers. In working together we will uncover and resolve an array of obstacles that have been holding you back, and keeping you from your optimal health and from your true nature. As a Bio-energetic Kinesiologist, my role in your health journey is to be your detective, to be thoroughly attentive to asking, learning and understanding what Your body needs to bring restoration, and from there we implement that which will allow your body, mind and spirit to heal. 

what is kinesiology?
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